An isoline map is a map with continuous lines joining points of the same value. The prefix "iso-" means "equal."This is a list of some common types of isolines.
- isobar
- A line representing points of equal atmospheric pressure
- isobath
- A line representing points of equal depth under water
- isobathytherm
- A line representing depths of water with equal temperature
- isochasm
- A line representing points of equal recurrence of auroras
- isocheim
- A line representing points of equal mean winter temperature
- isochrone
- A line representing points of equal time-distance from a point, such as the transportation time from a particular point
- isodapane
- A line representing points of equal transport costs for products from production to markets
- isodose
- A line representing points of equal intensity of radiation
- isodrosotherm
- A line representing points of equal dew point
- isogeotherm
- A line representing points of equal mean temperature
- isogloss
- A line separating linguistic features
- isogonal
- A line representing points of equal magnetic declination
- isohaline
- A line representing points of equal salinity in the ocean
- isohel
- A line representing points receiving equal amounts of sunshine
- isohume
- A line representing points of equal humidity
- isohyet
- A line representing points of equal precipitation
- isoneph
- A line representing points of equal amounts of cloud cover
- isopectic
- A line representing points where ice begins to form at the same time each fall or winter
- isophene
- A line representing points where biological events occur at the same time, such as crops flowering
- isoplat
- A line representing points of equal acidity, as in acid precipitation
- isopleth
- A line representing points of equal numerical value, such as population
- isopor
- A line representing points of equal annual change in magnetic declination
- isostere
- A line representing points of equal atmospheric density
- isotac
- A line representing points where ice begins to melt at the same time each spring
- isotach
- A line representing points of equal wind speed
- isothere
- A line representing points of equal mean summer temperature
- isotherm
- A line representing points of equal temperature
- isotim
- A line representing points of equal transport costs from the source of a raw material